Podcast Link Neurofeedback Legend Jay Gunkelman reviews EEG’s of ADHD and TBI cases with our Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons and Dr. Skip Hrin. You might want to subscribe to our Youtube channel for this one  !!! Quote: “The ADD kid isn’t the same as the ADD adult”                   Notes: Pre Event Testing CPT

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Listen to Podcast Here Jeff Tarrant, Ph.D., BCN  Founder NeuroMeditation Institute joined our Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons, Dr. Skip Hrin, and Neurofeedback legend Jay Gunkelman to talk about Meditation and Neurofeedback as well as his book Meditation Interventions to Rewire the Brain: This episode was brought to you by R S KOSO use coupon code NeuroNoodle10

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Listen to Podcast here: Santiago Brand the Clinical Director and Founder of Mindlab Joined our Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons, Dr. Skip Hrin, and Neurofeedback Legend Jay Gunkelman and if you are a golfer you’ll love this episode … Quote: JG “Motor regulation in the frontal lobe initiates …and the sensory-motor strip executes” Topics: Brain Spotting

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