Dr. Mari K. Swingle the Author of “i-Minds” joined our Neuropsychologists, Dr. Laura Jansons, Dr. Skip Hrin, and QEEG Tech Legend Jay Gunkelman to chat about her book as well as digital addictions. How Cell Phones, Computers, Gaming, and Social Media are Changing Our Brains, Our Behavior, and the Evolution of Our Species i-Minds is an exploration of modern culture

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Podcast Link   Dr. David Kaiser from Kaiser Neuromap Institute joined our Neuropsychologists, Dr. Laura Jansons, Dr. Skip Hrin, and QEEG Tech Legend Jay Gunkelman  Topics Discussed: Post-Covid Markers PTSD Autism Spectrum Default Network Training NOT Zapping Technologies Entropy Asbergers ADHD DSM 5 https://www.kaiserneuromap.com/ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC333GYN5_qHbr8fvju1ef-Q   Dr. Laura’s Article Mentioned https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/side-effects/202109/psychiatry-s-harmful-conflicts-interest Have an idea for

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Podcast Link Dr. Patrick Porter Founder BrainTap Technologies joined our Neuropsychologists, Dr. Laura Jansons, Dr. Skip Hrin, and QEEG Tech Legend Jay Gunkelman and the term “Gamers Brain” was created on this episode!!! Notes: Professional Gamers https://www.ea.com/compete brains get more damage from being a gamer then the professional athletes themselves 1 Stressful event equals 1

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Podcast Link Neurofeedback Legend Jay Gunkelman reviews EEG’s of ADHD and TBI cases with our Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons and Dr. Skip Hrin. You might want to subscribe to our Youtube channel for this one  !!! Quote: “The ADD kid isn’t the same as the ADD adult”                   Notes: Pre Event Testing CPT

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Dr. Sherry All Founder of the Chicago Center for Cognitive Wellness and the author of “The Neuroscience of Memory: Seven Skills to Optimize Your Brain Power, Improve Memory, and Stay Sharp at Any Age”  joined our Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons, Dr. Skip Hrin, and Neurofeedback legend Jay Gunkelman to talk about Dr. All’s book, her Center

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Listen to Podcast Here Jeff Tarrant, Ph.D., BCN  Founder NeuroMeditation Institute joined our Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons, Dr. Skip Hrin, and Neurofeedback legend Jay Gunkelman to talk about Meditation and Neurofeedback as well as his book Meditation Interventions to Rewire the Brain: This episode was brought to you by R S KOSO use coupon code NeuroNoodle10

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Our Latest podcast is out! Click HERE Dr. Andrew Hill Founding Director Peak Brain Institute joins our Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons, Skip Hrin, and Neurofeedback Legend Jay Gunkelman Quotes: AH ” A lot of what we do is closer to fitness” AH ” 50 years ago there were no gyms to work out in like there is today, I see

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Our Latest podcast is out! Click HERE Dr. Patrick Porter Founder BrainTap Technologies joined our Neuropsychologists, Dr. Laura Jansons, Dr. Skip Hrin, and QEEG Tech Legend Jay Gunkelman Quotes: “70% of your Nervous system is between your ears” “Change Takes Work” “Subconscious makes a good servant but terrible Master” “Either you want a pill or you want responsibility” “every 40

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Our Latest podcast is out! Click HERE This show is dedicated to Joe Kamiya The “Father of Neurofeedback” https://neurenics.com/meet-father-neurofeedback-dr-joe-kamiya/ Tomas Ros, Ph.D. Cognitive Neuroscientist joined our Neuropsychologists, Dr. Laura Jansons, Dr. Skip Hrin, and QEEG Tech Legend Jay Gunkelman Tomas Ros Publications https://www.tomasros.com/publications Tomas Ros Neurofeedback Past, Present, and Future Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s7gn9I2lr_s P300 Marker for ADHD PTSD Alpha Waves Beta Spindles Joe Kamiya Lawrence

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Our Latest podcast is out! Click HERE Dr. Nicholas Dogris CEO and Co-founder of NeuroField, Inc. joins our Neuropsychologists, Dr. Laura Jansons and Dr. Skip Hrin, AND Neurofeedback legend Jay Gunkelman Quotes: “America has bought into Big Pharma and that has been a method of treating neurological disorders for a very long time” “The brain is a pink noise

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