neurofeedback podcast

Neurofeedback EEG Tech Legend Jay Gunkelman starts out The NeuroNoodle Neurofeedback Podcast with why it is important to have proper eeg placement. Jay Gunkelman also discusses Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Tourette Syndrome,  Tinnitus, Gamma Bursts, Chirps, Nests, dose Effect, REM Sleep, OCD Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Insomnia, Individual Alpha Frequencies/Alpha Band Tuning, TMS Transcranial magnetic stimulation

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  Neuroscientist Keren Avirame contacted us from Tel Aviv Israel, and she had a few questions regarding what EEG Amplifier she should get for her practice. Our Neurofeedback Technician Guru Jay Gunkelman explains. Its not the brand of the EEG amplifier that matters its what the specifications are. Later in the podcast Keren also has

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JESSE KOHLER Executive Director As CTIPP’s Executive Director, Jesse is in charge of organizational administration and HR, fundraising, strategic planning, public engagements, and working alongside staff and volunteers in their roles with the organization.  Jesse currently serves in this role for CTIPP on loan from the organization ANS Research, where he works on policy and

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  Dr. Mark Jones President Elect ISNR and Neurofeedback Professor at University of Texas at San Antonio came on the show with graduate assistants Whitney Rich and Emily Surratt. Dr Mark Talked about ISNR as well as his Neurofeedback Program he leads at the University Dr. Jones has been a neurofeedback practitioner since 2002. He

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