Our good friend Joshua Moore Owner of Alternative Behavioral Therapy in Vancouver, Washington came on the NeuroNoodle Neurofeedback Podcast to join Pete Jansons and discuss alternative funding options that may be open to your cash only clients. Other Topics discussed How to explain in simple terms what Neurofeedback is. What is Gaslighting? Using O2

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Neurofeedback EEG Tech Legend Jay Gunkelman tells us his story from the very beginning as well as the development of eeg and Neurofeedback along the way. All the History of EEG and Neurofeedback you ever wanted to know starts here and with this man.

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Neurofeedback EEG Tech Legend Jay Gunkelman starts out The NeuroNoodle Neurofeedback Podcast with why it is important to have proper eeg placement. Jay Gunkelman also discusses Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), Tourette Syndrome,  Tinnitus, Gamma Bursts, Chirps, Nests, dose Effect, REM Sleep, OCD Obsessive-compulsive disorder, Insomnia, Individual Alpha Frequencies/Alpha Band Tuning, TMS Transcranial magnetic stimulation

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Dr. Mary Tracy, Jay Gunkelman and Santiago Brand discuss the Prefrontal Cortex in Part 1 of 2  Northern California Neurotherapy Neurotraining Strategies This show sponsored by: 6 TH ANNUAL SUPER BRAIN SUMMIT Friday, April 8, 2022 Live from the Peplow Pavilion, Hayden-Clark Alumni Center, Bradley University   NeuroTraining Strategies “NeuroTraining Strategies offers a

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Dr Bruce Wexler Professor Emeritus of and Senior Research Scientist in Psychiatry at Yale University and Featured Speaker at the 6th annual Super Brain Summit joins our  Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons, Dr. Skip Hrin and Neurofeedback Legend Jay Gunkelman to talk about participating in Dr. Lori Russell- Chapin’s 6th annual Super Brain Summit at Bradley

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Neuropsychologist Dr. Skip hrin and Neurofeedback Legend Jay Gunkelman discuss: Listener Questions Head Trauma Bipolar/Schizophrenia Link between Mental Health and Heart health Blood Brain Barrier This show sponsored by: 6 TH ANNUAL SUPER BRAIN SUMMIT Friday, April 8, 2022 Live from the Peplow Pavilion, Hayden-Clark Alumni Center, Bradley University NeuroTraining Strategies “NeuroTraining Strategies

read more iMediSync CEO Dr. Seung Wan Kang and Director Dae Keun Kim stopped by to chat with Neurofeedback Legend Jay Gunkelman, Tech Wizzard Santiago Brand and Neuropsychologist Dr. Skip Hrin iSyncWaveTM is the first-ever integrated EEG and neurotherapeutics device providing telemental care through an AI digital brain health platform. A QEEG guided PBM Light therapy

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