Dr. Taylor Capozziello Owner Elite Physiology joined our Neuropsychologists, Dr. Laura Jansons Dr. Skip Hrin, Neurofeedback legend Jay Gunkelman AND New Guest Host joining us from Singapore Santiago Brand!!!  Some of the topics discussed: Panic Attacks “Long Haul Trucking Brain” Sleeping Issues Jay Gunkelman’s Documentary getting Critic Love Jay Gunkelman Sporting the New Isynch

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Peter Van Deusen Founder of Brain-Trainer joined our Neuropsychologists, Dr. Laura Jansons and Dr. Skip Hrin Peter Van Deusen has been training brains and developing trainers and training systems for nearly 30 years through his company Brain-Trainer International. BTI’s approach is unique in its focus on training to change brain habits rather than treating pathologies. Its philosophy is, “You don’t

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Podcast Link   Dr. David Kaiser from Kaiser Neuromap Institute joined our Neuropsychologists, Dr. Laura Jansons, Dr. Skip Hrin, and QEEG Tech Legend Jay Gunkelman  Topics Discussed: Post-Covid Markers PTSD Autism Spectrum Default Network Training NOT Zapping Technologies Entropy Asbergers ADHD DSM 5   Dr. Laura’s Article Mentioned Have an idea for

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Podcast Link Neurofeedback Legend Jay Gunkelman reviews EEG’s of ADHD and TBI cases with our Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons and Dr. Skip Hrin. You might want to subscribe to our Youtube channel for this one  !!! Quote: “The ADD kid isn’t the same as the ADD adult”                   Notes: Pre Event Testing CPT

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Listen to Podcast Here Jeff Tarrant, Ph.D., BCN  Founder NeuroMeditation Institute joined our Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons, Dr. Skip Hrin, and Neurofeedback legend Jay Gunkelman to talk about Meditation and Neurofeedback as well as his book Meditation Interventions to Rewire the Brain: This episode was brought to you by R S KOSO use coupon code NeuroNoodle10

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Our Latest podcast is out! Click HERE Daniel G. Long II, Ph.D. MindFit Clinic Director & Testing Services Coordinator West Virginia University joins our Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons, Dr. Skip Hrin, and Neurofeedback Legend Jay Gunkelman  Dr. Dan’s clinic sees more ADHD patients than most clinics in the country. He performs Neurofeedback with the WVU Rifle Team (they are a pretty big

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Our Latest podcast is out! Click HERE Dr. Andrew Hill Founding Director Peak Brain Institute joins our Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons, Skip Hrin, and Neurofeedback Legend Jay Gunkelman Quotes: AH ” A lot of what we do is closer to fitness” AH ” 50 years ago there were no gyms to work out in like there is today, I see

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Our Latest podcast is out! Click HERE This show is dedicated to Joe Kamiya The “Father of Neurofeedback” Tomas Ros, Ph.D. Cognitive Neuroscientist joined our Neuropsychologists, Dr. Laura Jansons, Dr. Skip Hrin, and QEEG Tech Legend Jay Gunkelman Tomas Ros Publications Tomas Ros Neurofeedback Past, Present, and Future Video P300 Marker for ADHD PTSD Alpha Waves Beta Spindles Joe Kamiya Lawrence

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Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons and Dr. Skip Hrin are joined by he a Dad with 3 girls and a boy and he answers questions on how Neurofeedback and Brain Maps can help his family. In addition, we also answer listener questions on ADHD, Anxiety, COVID, Holiday Blues, and Addiction. Click HERE for Podcast Please give

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