Neuropsychologist Dr. Laura Jansons answers questions on how Neurofeedback and Brain Maps can help you accomplish your goals in 2021. Click HERE for Podcast Please give us 5 stars on Apple Podcast !! How do I use Neurofeedback to help me remove the obstacles stopping me from reaching my goals What does a QEEG
read moreNeuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons and Dr. Skip Hrin are joined by he a Dad with 3 girls and a boy and he answers questions on how Neurofeedback and Brain Maps can help his family. In addition, we also answer listener questions on ADHD, Anxiety, COVID, Holiday Blues, and Addiction. Click HERE for Podcast Please give
read moreNeuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons and Dr. Skip Hrin discuss Migraines with Mike Cohen author of Neurofeedback 101: Rewiring the brain for ADHD, Anxiety, Depression and Beyond. You can also visit Mike as his website Center for Brain Training Topics include Using Neurofeedback and EEG to treat: Migraines/Headaches Concussions Anxiety Depression Mood Disorders Click HERE for
read moreNeuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons and Dr. Skip Hrin discuss Depression. How an EEG can Detect it, as well as how Neurofeedback can relieve its symptoms In this episode Click HERE for Podcast Dr. Skip Hrin from Advanced Neuro Solutions joins Dr. Laura Jansons share their thoughts on different ways depression can be addressed Shout out/Books
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2 top Neuropsychologists discuss Children’s mental health and Covid-19 Click HERE for Podcast Dr. Skip Hrin from Advanced Neuro Solutions joins Dr. Laura Jansons giving their thoughts on what parents can do to help their kids cope with Covid. Topics include: Anxiety Depression ADHD Learning and Development Utilizing EEG and Neurofeedback to alleviate symptoms Shout
read moreOur 1st Podcast!!! Be Gentle and give us 5 Stars on Apple Podcasts! Dr. Laura Jansons gives an overview of how Neurofeedback and Brain Mapping works. She also answers a Mother’s questions on how Neurofeedback can help her 4 children. Other Topics Include Neurofeedback, Brain Map, EEG, ADHD, Anxiety, Depression Click
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