Primitive Reflexes/Michael Jordan’s Tongue

Neuropsychologists Dr.Laura Jansons and Dr. Skip Hrin discuss Primitive Reflexes

Quotes from the show

“I don’t think we are ok with just letting Adderall be the only answer”

“You have reflexes that help you get birthed”

“Yes this is the bashing the DSM show”


  • C Section Births
  • Baby’s role in getting itself born
  • Basal Ganglia stopping unwanted behavior
  • Decoupling

Overflow (The reason why Michael Jordan sticks his tongue out)

Book/Link Reference:

Dr. Laura presentation on C Section vs. Vaginal Births

Dr. Skip Book Shout out  Attention, Balance and Coordination: The A.B.C. of Learning Success by Sally Goddard Blythe

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