Dr. Mike Pierce Chiropractic Neurology, Food, Coma’s, and Mental Health Part 2

#mentalhealth #chiropractor #neurofeedback #neurofeedbackpodcast
Dr. Mike Pierce joins Jay Gunkelman the man who has read over 500,000 brain scans on the NeuroNoodle Neurofeedback Podcast. Dr. Pierce discusses Celiac Disease, WGA, Insulin Resistance How Do you Describe Neurofeedback to Parents in simple Terms? What happens when you bring someone out of a coma? POLST, Chiropracting and Mental Health, Gluten and Anxiety, How food can affect your mental health, Chiropractic Neurology, Kessler Hospital in New Jersey
Michael Pierce has directed the medical program of a large destination wellness spa with a commercial kitchen and dormitories that cared for mental and physical illness using physical medicine, food, lifestyle modifications and humanistic psychology. 
He has a doctorate in chiropractic, a post doctorate in neurology with specialty national board certification, a Bachelor of Science degree, has completed culinary school and attended graduate business school. He teaches internationally in health care, business and in peaceful unarmed police aikido weapons control tactics (PACT). Dr. Pierce is faculty instructor for neurophysiology for the Vollmer Polygraph and Forensic Institute. He has consulted for over 100 medical businesses in the US and Europe and designed several natural supplement products while lecturing for the industry.
Michael was raised in an environment of active diet modification and saw firsthand the changes in families, nursing mothers, infants, children, pets and livestock on modified diets and supplement regimens. 
Dr. Pierce has been a coma recovery team leader with interns from Northwestern Health Sciences University and has led the intentional recovery of coma/persistent vegetative state using chiropractic neurology. He has been faculty including associate professor of neurology for the Carrick Institute, colleges, and associations in fields of health care including neurochemistry, clinical neuro-diagnosis, neurological rehab, lab-based nutrition, healthcare business and business ethics, massage therapy, acupuncture, mental health, genetics, laboratory science, occupational therapy, culinary science, and law enforcement. He is the neurophysiology, statistics, and psychophysiology instructor for the Vollmer Institute for Polygraph Examiners. His work has ranged from animal populations to pediatric neurology cases where the placebo effect cannot confound alternative methods. 
He has collaborated intensely with biological dentists, holistic veterinarians, behavioral optometrists, psychologists, and biological psychiatrists. He has consulted for over 80 practices in the US and Europe. He has formally studied music, eastern and western philosophy, and medical anthropology. 
Dr. Pierce has worked closely with high‐net‐worth families, performers, celebrities and professional athletes on chronic health issues and peak performance. He was a health care freedom lobby advisor in Minnesota and a health food industry consultant for both retail stores and for nutritional supplement manufacture and sales. Michael has experience in business development, operations management, product design and education for small and large clinics, nutritional supplement companies and retail stores. He is currently completing the diplomate in quantitative electro-encephalography brain mapping analysis and mentorship.

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