Asperger’s, Elon Musk, Autism and Head Trauma

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Our Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura JansonsDr. Skip Hrin, and Neurofeedback Tech legend Jay Gunkelman discuss Elon Musk’s appearance on Saturday Night Live where he revealed he has Asperger’s syndrome. They also answer a listener’s question on how to use EEG to determine whether an athlete with head trauma can go back on the field.


‘Until you can match your pre-trauma behavioral performance you should think about sitting on the sidelines until you return to functional integrity”

“40-60% of the Autism population have epileptiform discharges”

“Elon Musk doesn’t see the impact of himself on others, because he doesn’t see others very well”

“It’s not quick and easy but it is entirely possible for people to escape the diagnostic category entirely” (Autism)

“The crude concussion evaluations that are given now will only catch the really severe injuries”

“It’s not about how many cells you have, it’s about how many connections you have”

“Downstream Hypoxia creates edema, edema creates pressure which makes the ischemia worse. You can create cell death by pushing an area too hard too soon”


Art of Artifacting 

CPT (continuous performance test)

Rich Club Hub

Micro Hits

John Hughes

Event Related Potential

“BAMA” Traumatic Induced Gamma

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