Dr David Helfand owner of Lifewise uses EEG and Neurofeedback with Couples Therapy

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Dr. David Helfand owner of Lifewise joins our Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons and Dr. Skip Hrin to chat about how he uses Neurofeedback and EEG with talk therapy in his practice.


“Your symptoms are not your problem but your wellness is your responsibility”

” My issue with calling someone borderline is that it puts the onus, the label  on the individual”

“Neurofeedback can cause you to lose your taste for your drug of choice”

“If I had my way I’d have every talk therapy client do a brain map at the beginning”

“If you are in a dead-end job that’s sucking the life out of you, 100 sessions of Neurofeedback will not be as a strong of an effect as a change of environment. You need both”

“When people come in with their diagnostic label, I’m more interested in their experience”

“DSM is too individually focused. It needs a broader holistic approach.”


  • Concussions
  • Neuromeditation
  • Diagnostic Labeling
  • Talk Therapy/Couples Therapy
  • Sleep Issues
  • Neurotherapy

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Dr. Laura can be reached at Jansons.com

Dr. Skip Can be reached at Drskiphrin.com

Ideas for a topic or questions? Reach out to Pete@neuronoodle.com

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