How Neurofeedback can help TMJ and Tinnitus with Dave Siever CEO Mind Alive

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John S Anderson  suggested bringing Dave Siever CEO of Mind Alive on the show as a guest. What a great call! Dave joined our Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons and Dr. Skip Hrin to chat about how Neurofeedback and Biofeedback can help the symptoms of TMJ and Tinnitus.

Topics Discussed:

Types of TMJ Types of Tinnitus AVE Audio-Visual Entrainment devices Dave has many research articles which can be found here Atlas bone being the culprit in many problems with Concussions Mind Alive Inc – Webinars – Mind Alive Inc. TBI

Dave suggested Becky Bassham to come on the show. Rebecca Bassham is a consultant specializing in peak performance, self-regulation, cognitive behavior and improved mental functioning.  She is a board-certified neurofeedback counselor and certified in Quantitative EEG (QEEG-T).

Ideas for a guest or topic? Email Pete Jansons

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Dr. Skip Can be reached at

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