Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain: How Neurofeedback and a QEEG can Identify and Help

Our Latest podcast is out!

Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons and Dr. Skip Hrin Discuss Fibromyalgia,  Chronic pain and how a QEEG can identify the dysregulation and how Neurofeedback can train away its symptoms

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Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons and Dr. Skip Hrin share their combined 50 years of experience with you

Topics covered in this podcast:
What does fibromyalgia look like on a brain map and how can Neurofeedback alleviate its Symptoms
How can Chronic Pain be treated with Neurofeedback
Joe Dispenza
“Focus” by the Urban Monk
Annie Hopper “Placebo Effect”

Links to articles Mentioned in Podcast

Designer protein helps paralyzed mice walk again in breakthrough study  German scientists have restored the ability to walk in mice that had been paralyzed after a complete spinal cord injury. The team created a “designer” signaling protein and injected it into the animals’ brains, stimulating their nerve cells to regenerate and share the recipe to make the protein


Children will face “a period of epic withdrawal” from their tech screens once life starts to return to normal from the pandemic, an addiction specialist tells The New York Times. Screen time for kids aged 4 to 15 doubled by May and kept going up as time passed, according to a worldwide device-usage tracker. One pediatrician who studies children’s use of mobile technology initially advised parents not to worry, but she now says she should have “encouraged families to turn off Wi-Fi” to minimize temptation.

Neurofeedback could help prostheses feel lighter: Here’s how

Neurofeedback could help prostheses feel lighter: Here’s how

Dr. Laura can be reached at

Dr. Skip Can be reached at

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