Netflix Documentary The Social Dilemma: An Overview

#netflix #socialdilemma #neurofeedback #neurofeedbackpodcast #mentalhealth Jay Gunkelman the man who has read over 500,000 brain scans and Pete Jansons discuss Netflix’s Documentary “The Social Dilemma” on The NeuroNoodle Neurofeedback Podcast. Topics include: Free Will, Political Advertising, Internet Addiction, “snip the puppet wires”, positive intermittent reinforcement, manipulation, Neurofeedback and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder OCD, Clowns Feet, TMS, Mood Regulatory Patterns, Peripheral Neuropathy, Multiple Sclerosis, Anterior Cingulate, Bipolar, Rapid Cycling, Limbic System, Hypnosis, Social Media and its affect on pre teens, amygdala, Frontal Lobe EEG, Dopamine, Depression, Negativity Bias, Positivity Bias, Slot Machine Turn off your Notifications

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