Our good friend Joshua Moore Owner of Alternative Behavioral Therapy in Vancouver, Washington came on the NeuroNoodle Neurofeedback Podcast to join Pete Jansons and discuss alternative funding options that may be open to your cash only clients. Other Topics discussed How to explain in simple terms what Neurofeedback is. What is Gaslighting? Using O2 sensors to increase mental health awareness and biofeedback Joshua Moore is a licensed mental health counselor who incorporates a variety of treatments, including talk therapy, EMDR, QEEG brain mapping, family systems work, and Neurofeedback. He is passionate about the growing field of Neurofeedback and the many ways we can use this powerful approach for treating mental and physical ailments. He providse psycho-education about diagnoses to help his clients feel safe, confident, and reassured about their therapy, as there is hope for healing. He currently works with difficult cases, including dissociative identity disorder, PTSD, traumatic brain injuries, and mystery diagnoses. With the combination of treatments I utilize, He has been successful in treating many cases. He has Master’s in Counseling from Multnomah University, Bachelor’s in Theology. Joshua is board certified in neurofeedback.