The Future is Here: The Physical and Mental Workout

#neurofeedback #mentalhealth #neurofeedback Podcast Anna Milani and Santiago Brand discuss the future of Mental as well as Physical Health CEO & BRAIN HEALTH TRAINER ANNA MILANI Anna Milani is the founder and CEO of Sparkd. She is a certified Brain Health Trainer and has over 20 years experience in the fitness industry with a diverse range of training and specialisations. Her journey that led to the creation of Sparkd began a number of years ago, as Anna was researching and studying the impacts of exercise on a persons brain. Coupled with the personal loss of her grandfather to Alzheimer’s, Anna decided to create Sparkd, a facility, that incorporates her desire to help people improve and maintain their brain health. During her research, Anna reached out to numerous people and companies, some of the people who had expansive experience in cutting edge technologies in neuroscience, which she has now brought together under one roof at Sparkd. Due to the wide ranging applications of the technologies, her vision is to help train kids and people at any age and or development stage, with detailed cognitive fitness programme that will help people transform physically and cognitively, giving them greater control of their life and healthspan. In her spare time Anna enjoys continues to read and research the latest in brain health research and science. She enjoys spending time with her young family, and likes to relax with friends and a nice glass of red wine. Brain Health Fitness training means working on your body and brain simultaneously to feel empowered and in charge of your cognition in everyday work and family life. Links:………… contact info: FB & IG @sparkdfitness and @sparkdplus @annamilani.sparkd

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