Listener Questions Answered – Neurofeedback, EEG, QEEG, Equipment and Training

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Our Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura JansonsDr. Skip Hrin, and Neurofeedback Tech legend Jay Gunkelman answer the following listener-submitted question from Lisa C.

Hello Pete, I am a therapist using LENS neurofeedback I have been working through the podcast episodes and it is wonderful! I hope you all keep it going. I have a couple suggestions for questions to address:

From the parents’ or clients’ point of view, I often get asked how long will it take and how long will it last. Many do not seem to understand that much of the great changes and symptom reductions are long-term. I would love to hear Skip, Laura or Jay’s take on that.

From a clinician’s side: I would like to get BCIA certified and EEG certified. Are there courses or trainings that your team would recommend? Anything to avoid? Also, can they recommend equipment that would allow me to do QEEGs? LENS is somewhat different than traditional neurofeedback, as it is more a disentrainment method, and does not record the EEG for viewing after.  It has been an AMAZING addition to my practice and my therapists under me are all trained with it, but the Q capability is something I definitely want to add.

Keep up the great work getting the word out!! Thanks much, Lisa C


JG “The Neurofeedback Training Curve has no top”

JG “If someone says they are the expert in EEG…RUNNN !!!! They are dangerous!!!”


BCIA ISNR Dry Sensor vs Paste Sensor EEG Lab Freeware 2 Channel vs 19 Channel EEG 5k-30k expect to spend on Equipment 2.5-10k on Software Dyslexia/Wernicke area Cow Pie bias versus GrassHave an idea for topic or guest?

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