Sara Young Changing Minds with Pick up a Penny, Get a QEEG before TMS

Sara Young from Changing Minds with Pick Up A Penny across the Pond in Newcastle joins Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons, Dr Skip Hrin, and QEEG Guru Jay Gunkelman to let us know about the center she is in the process of building.

Dr. Laura presents a QEEG that we discuss as that can also be watched on our  NeuroNoodle YouTube Channel


Dr. Laura Asked Jay G If someone is going to do TMS should they get a pretest QEEG? The answer was “Yes, If your DSM based they may have made the right guess with a story based diagnosis as opposed to a biomarker or neuromarker”

Jay G “Neurofeedback is a training you do to your self vs TMS which is a treatment done to you”

JG “If you  look at the EEG before a TMS you get the guidance, if you don’t your shooting blind”

JG “When I see something that looks like a violation of a natural law I know it can’t be real”

JG “It’s fine to look for the ring under the street light if that’s where you lost it, but if it’s the wrong location your never going to find it there”

JG ” TMS is in its infancy, their clinical society is only in their 7th year. It was at their 4th annual meeting when that they decided that they needed to account for the size of the head”

JG “If you tell me I have only a 30% chance of winning money in Vegas I don’t a trip there. Using the hard criteria on the QEEG driven protocol you got a little over 60% Success and with those odds I’ll probably catch a flight to vegas”


  • NeuroGuide
  • Linked Ear Montage
  • Laplacian Montage
  • TMS
  • Gauss’s law
  • Gating
  • Salience Network
  • Depression
  • Ink Color Test
  • Novelty Routinization Principal

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