Sebern Fisher with Jay Gunkelman The Dynamic Duo of Neurofeedback

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Sebern Fisher Author of Neurofeedback in the Treatment of Developmental Trauma: Calming the Fear-Driven Brain stops by again to chat with our Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura JansonsDr. Skip Hrin and Neurofeedback Legend Jay Gunkelman

There were so many good quotes and topics you’ll have to listen to get them all but here are some


” If Stephen Curry can use Neurofeedback then we can all use it”

“What I would if I could magically do something in schools 1) Have Neurofeedback Training in every school 2) Brain Curriculum in every school 3) Self-regulation curriculum in every school

“Babies who are born to mothers who train with Neurofeedback don’t suck their thumbs”

“Alpha Down Protocol 80% of them showed that hyperconnectivity was gone, that should have been front-page news in the Science Times”

“There are ways to play whatever hand your dealt (DNA) but you can win a game of poker with a pair of 2’s”

“A simple concussion on top of a simple concussion is not a simple concussion”

“How can you tell if someone can return to the field until someone can actually see they’ve returned to their baseline function”

“Everybody could use a tune-up. If you’re going to optimize your performance and be a high performer you need to tune your system with Neurofeedback these small tweaks in your system aren’t being done to you they are being done by you”

“Medicine does it to you, Neurofeedback does it by you”

“Your not the victim anymore your the master”


InUtero regulation Repression Concussion FrontalAmygdala Network Baseline EEG

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