Dr. Martijn Arns, Epilepsy and Justin Fields

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Dr. Martijn Arns Researcher Director and Founder of Research Institute Brainclinics joins Neuropsychologists, Dr. Laura JansonsDr. Skip Hrin, and newest CoHost Neurofeedback Tech Legend Jay Gunkelman

Justin Fields is entering the NFL Draft next week and was projected to be a #3 pick. He recently disclosed he has epilepsy and this may impact his draft status. We discuss this as well as seizures.


“It’s entirely possible to be an elite athlete and manage”

“3 product roles for Neurofeedback that have substantial evidence behind them 1 Theta/Beta 2 SMR 3 Slowcorticol potential

“Talk therapy isn’t very good for ADHD”

“Unexpected epileptiform content in the EEG is the #1 predictor of medication failure #2 is Beta Spindles #3 predictor low voltage eeg focal problems”

“I highly recommend brain surgery if you need it but I don’t know if id line up to have them sticking all that in (Neuralink)”


  • Evidence-Based/Personalized medicine Stratified Medicine Absence Seizures What happens during a seizure Dave Matthews Band
  • Martijn suggested bringing on Thomas Ross
  • Topics? Suggestions? pete@neurofeedback.com

Please give us 5 stars on Apple Podcast !!

Dr. Laura can be reached at Jansons.com

Dr. Skip can be reached at Drskiphrin.com

Jay Gunkelman qeegsupport.com

Ideas for a topic or questions? Reach out to Pete@neuronoodle.com

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