Jay Gunkelman

Podcast: Jay Gunkelman CSO Brain Science International QEEG Tech Legend “Gunkelmentary”

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Jay Gunkelman
“Jay G”

Mary Tracy QEEG Trainer Extraordinaire at Stens Corporation  suggested bringing Jay Gunkelman CSO  of Brain Science International on the show as a guest. What a great call! Jay G”  joined our Neuropsychologists Dr. Laura Jansons and Dr. Skip Hrin to give their thoughts on QEEG vs DSM and other topics

Some epic quotes from “Jay G”  re DSM

“You could burn it and flush it down the toilet and I think you’ve treated it appropriately”

“It’s the false standard to which we are held”

“It doesn’t predict anything but your billing”

“Good administrative tool”

Re: Insurance

“They are in the business to deny coverage”

Topics include:


The Signal In the Noise “Gunkelmentary”

Walter Freeman

“Jay G” suggested to bring on the show next… Santiago Brand and Martijn Arms

Listener Ben P wrote in and asked and we answered:

1. I would love to learn more about methods of transcranial stimulation – or Alpha Stim – or – Len Oaks system- some method that involves actually running current into your body.

2. My primary issues are emotional based which manifest as OCD. I’d really like to hear how neurofeedback helps people, or case studies, deal with and work through emotional-based problems. Can neuro help someone develop the capacity for emotional connection for example?-

Questions? Ideas for Topic or guest? Pete@NeuroNoodle.com

Ideas for a guest or topic? Email Pete Jansons pete@neuronoodle.com

Please give us 5 stars on Apple Podcast !!

Dr. Laura can be reached at Jansons.com

Dr. Skip Can be reached at Drskiphrin.com

Ideas for a topic or questions? Reach out to Pete@neuronoodle.com

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